Instructions for authors

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers and proposals for special sessions by  March 31, 2010 April 11, 2010.

Paper style and format

Submitted papers have to comply with IFAC style and format requirements. Only PDF files compliant with the IFAC Publications Requirements are acceptable for publication. Detailed instructions for authors and IFAC LaTeX and Word packages are available on the IFAC website: information for IFAC authors. Accepted papers will be limited to 6 pages in the proceedings. 1 to 2 extra pages are possible if an overlength fee of 100 Euros is paid.

Special Sessions

Special sessions should consist of 5 or 6 papers along with a 1-2 page description of the aim and content of the session. In invited session with only 5 papers, the first contribution can be introductory or tutorial and will be allotted twice the regular time slot for presentation. Papers in special sessions will be reviewed individually. In case the special session is not accepted, individual papers will be considered for inclusion in the regular programme.

Special session papers and the special session description will be uploaded individually to the submission website. Authors will indicate at upload that their paper belongs to a special session. The special session description should contain the session description and a list of all paper titles and authors and will be also uploaded to the submission website.

Copyright conditions

The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers accepted for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the meeting and will be distributed to the participants. Proceedings of the IFAC Congress, Symposia, Conferences and Workshops will be hosted on-line on the website. The presented papers will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC Journals (Automatica, Control Engineering Practice, Annual Reviews in Control, Journal of Process Control, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and Mechatronics), or in IFAC affiliated journals. All papers presented will be recorded as an IFAC Publication.

Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Authors will be required to transfer copyrights electronically and/or in hard copy. The IFAC Journals and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals, within three months after the meeting, he/she is free to submit an expanded version of the presented material for journal publication elsewhere. In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting where it was originally presented and, if the paper has appeared on the website, also a reference to this publication.

Final Submission

Please log in at the submission website to see your reviewers' comments. If your paper is accepted for WODES2010 go to the submission website to upload the final version of your paper by July 13, 2010.

Your revised paper will be included in the preprints and the on-line proceedings on, provided that


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